World Peace Summit - Zagreb, Croatia, 2005

Word Peace Summit
Zagreb, Croatia, 2005
Respect life in all its deversity: to seek to inspire in all people a new sense of global interdependence and universal responsibility that each form of life has value regardeless of its worth to human beings.
Zagreb,Croatia, 2005
The first Peace Summit in Croatia, organised by Croatian Union of "Yoga In Daily Life", took place on October 9, 2005 in Croatia's capital Zagreb, in their biggest hall, Vatroslav Lisinski. The event commenced with the ceremony of lighting "peace candles", carried out by representatives of several participating religions. His Holiness Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Sri Swami Maheshwarananda, the initiator of the Peace Summit and its guest of honour, was joined in a prayer for peace by the representative of the Zagreb mayor, Mrs. Ljiljana Kuhta Jelicic; Muslim leader, the Imam of Zagreb Mirza Efendija Mesic; representative of the Dalai Lama, His Holiness Lama Shenpen Ripoche; Tao Master Liang-Meng Lin; theologist Mr. Augustin Basic; and His Holiness Sacinandana Swami.
During the interval break of the Summit, more than one thousand people gathered in a park in front the Zagreb City Hall for the planting of a Peace Tree. "This tree has been planted as a sign of appreciation towards all Croatian fighters for peace and freedom. I wish that the roots of this peace tree will encompass the entire Earth", said His Holiness Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda.